Dr. Mark S. Cantieri • Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
(574) 968-5166
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Dr. Mark Cantieri is now practicing at the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre in Granger, IN. To learn more or schedule an appointment, visit his page on the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre website:
Osteopathic Cranial Manipulative Medicine in the Setting of Concussion
by Chris Warren, OMS IV; Jordan Keys, DO; Stacey Pierce-Talsma, DO
Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment can be an effective tool in assessing and managing the symptoms of concussion, which can include headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, and difficulty concentrating. In this video, Jordan Keys, DO, demonstrates the venous sinus drainage technique.
Concussions represent a clinical diagnosis and process that is usually self-limiting. Symptoms of concussions include headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, and difficulty concentrating. Standard treatment focuses on symptom control via medications and mental rest
Although the exact pathophysiology of concussions is not known, several mechanisms contribute to the clinical symptoms seen in concussions, including a disturbance in cellular function. Patients who have sustained concussions are subject to membrane disruption from the acceleration and deceleration forces. This disruption leads to an influx of ions and an accumulation of excitatory neurotransmitters, such as glutamate.
In addition to the standard of care, osteopathic diagnosis and treatment can be an effective tool in assessing and managing concussion symptoms. Owing to the mechanism of injury sustained in concussions, cranial and extracranial somatic dysfunction may result. These dysfunctions may be amenable to osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) techniques, including those techniques (eg, osteopathic cranial manipulative medicine [OCMM]) directed at enhancing physiologic mechanisms for improvement of intracranial drainage.
Ref. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, June 2018, Vol. 118, e41-e42. doi:10.7556/jaoa.2018.088